Monday, 23 February 2009


Sunday 22nd February - A visit to a new Long-eared Owl roost failed to produce any birds though Dave was able to collect a bag of pellets from the thicket for later analysis. We did however have nice views of a couple of Short-eared Owls, one of which obligingly perched on a fence post in the late afternoon sun, and two different Woodcock. Also at least 2 Buzzards in the area (one a strikingly pale individual), a roost of 50+ Magpies, 5 Linnets, 2 Yellowhammers and a Brown Hare. A Magpie was perched on a sheep's head!


  1. Hi Paul

    Thanks for the info on the little owl, I had a look but I think it was to late in the morning for it to be still up.
    Are you able to provide any information on where you saw the SEO? If not don't worry.


  2. I would prefer not to divulge the location due to the presence of Long-eared Owls in the same general area. Sorry!
